Hello there..
I'm fresh outta Vegas it was cool. got drunk tried to club. got to reunite with good friends. got kicked out of a club on our way out & got kicked out of sbarros...yea that pizza place smfh lmao
I've been enjoying life for the most part.
Trying to stay free of drama & all that shit ya know?
Drankin, smokin, straight West Coastin lol
I passed my classes with a B & a C which is saying alot cuz I was definitely failing both (smhT) lol but I'm happy!
Its Christmas day this Friday & I'm ready cuz we're not giving gifts this yea...good...same me some mu'fuckin money! lol
Its about to be 2010...WTF?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!
Where in the hell does time escape to?!
Anyway....I hope its a fun/safe night with my lovers & friends!
AJ(squared) has a nice lil surprise for the world! ;)
Holler at me....
www.twitter.com/dancenhiphop Follow me, then follow my friends =)
PS download the FSC mixtape.. "like right now!" *trey songz voice* lol
Tuesday, December 22, 2009
Monday, September 28, 2009
Here's a List of Things I Want to Accomplish (lmao)
So...the title is self explanitory...here's the list in no specific order & no specific time period. They're all things that are not too hard to achieve so let's the good times roll! lmao..I will be back to add things periodically so be sure to come back & check for updates, maybe you'll get some ideas on some shit u never thought of lmao...
-Kiss a married guy.
-Stick my finger in someone's mouth while they're yawning lmfao
-Break someone's heart
-Have sex in a car
-Meet Rob Dyrdek, & possibly become friends with him lol
-Buy a brand new laptop, a bomb one tho haha
-Regain my middle splits
-Get my dog fixed lol
-Move Out
-Get paid to dance or teach dance
-Start a dance crew
-Go to a real school =(
-Sell a dime sack of weed
....More to come soon lol
-Kiss a married guy.
-Stick my finger in someone's mouth while they're yawning lmfao
-Break someone's heart
-Have sex in a car
-Meet Rob Dyrdek, & possibly become friends with him lol
-Buy a brand new laptop, a bomb one tho haha
-Regain my middle splits
-Get my dog fixed lol
-Move Out
-Get paid to dance or teach dance
-Start a dance crew
-Go to a real school =(
-Sell a dime sack of weed
....More to come soon lol
Monday, September 21, 2009
HILARIOUS!!!! I love Affion Crockett!!!
So here's the original video in case u haven't seen...
& here's his spoof LMMFAO!
& here's his spoof LMMFAO!
I Know I've Neglected You....
So life is pretty good....A few things need a little tweakin but its gravy.
On some emo shit real quick....
I'm really into u....
U know who u are...
"I'm not trynna pressure u
Just can't stop thinkin bout u"
That's all I'm gonna say in that region. Lol.
Anyway.....I need danccccccers. Bamb ones tho lol...cuz I'm trynna form a crew to perform at shows & stuff cuz I miss performing SOOOOOOOOOOO much. The feel of the stage. How everyone enjoys my work. All that good shit...So if you are one...& ur readin this HOLLER. lol
I also have been in super singin mode lately like I just been singin all the time...I wanna do a mixtape....only like 8 songs tho lol....& FSC will prolly be on 4 of em lmao...but regardless....I enjoy singing...I want people to hear...
I'm such a performing arts freak lol.
Til next time.....LOVE-LUV-LUHVV
On some emo shit real quick....
I'm really into u....
U know who u are...
"I'm not trynna pressure u
Just can't stop thinkin bout u"
That's all I'm gonna say in that region. Lol.
Anyway.....I need danccccccers. Bamb ones tho lol...cuz I'm trynna form a crew to perform at shows & stuff cuz I miss performing SOOOOOOOOOOO much. The feel of the stage. How everyone enjoys my work. All that good shit...So if you are one...& ur readin this HOLLER. lol
I also have been in super singin mode lately like I just been singin all the time...I wanna do a mixtape....only like 8 songs tho lol....& FSC will prolly be on 4 of em lmao...but regardless....I enjoy singing...I want people to hear...
I'm such a performing arts freak lol.
Til next time.....LOVE-LUV-LUHVV
Tuesday, August 25, 2009
R.I.P. AALIYAH-"The Highest, Most Exhaulted One" 01.16.79-08.25.01

So its the 8th anniversary of the death of my idol Aaliyah Dana Haughton.
Ever since I was little I wanted to be just like her.
Who knows where she would have been if she was still alive but we celebrate the time she was here.
May her soul continue to rest in peace & her music carry on for an eternity.
Here she is singing "I refuse" from her self titled Album (Aaliyah, 2001) at a radio station.
Rock the Boat-
I Miss You...vid still lowkey makes me tear up...
So I've talked about this for the longest but I decided to post the examples...

Not to say I don't like "Official Girl" cuz I kinda love it lowkey....
But 1st of all...Danja (a Timbaland protege) produced the song...so it automatically sounds like a Timbaland beat henceforth making it sound like the 90's-One in a Million Aaliyah (and a little Aaliyah from 2000-2001)
Then you see the video & the parrellels are crazy...I do applaud Cassie for steppin up her dancin skills MAJORLY tho cuz she was terrible lol
Sorry Cassie, you bit off TOO much of Aaliyah's swag...but like I said I like the song alot...maybe cuz its so much like Aaliyah who happens to be my idol which brings me to say R.I.P. cuz today Aug 25th is the 8th anniversary of her passing. She will always be my idol & I still look up to her this day.....blog to follow this 1 after I prove my point lol...
You can see qualities from each of these Aaliyah videos in the Official Girl Vid...
Now watch...
Anyone disagree?
You better NOT!
Friday, August 21, 2009
Talkin it Up. ON THE BARRY GIBBS TALK SHOW! & Target Lady! lmmfaooooo
Jenn, here's the vids I was talkin bout the other nite lmmfao
This vid makes it hard to believe they don't adlib lol...
Lmao...target lady...
"I'nt that just classic peg!" lmfao
This vid makes it hard to believe they don't adlib lol...
Lmao...target lady...
"I'nt that just classic peg!" lmfao
Sunday, July 19, 2009
MY fuckin bday was BAMB as fuck!!!
The party was a SUCCESS without a doubt!!!
I looked bamb.
Danced all night.
Got turnt UP. LEGALLY! What biyattttch?! lol
THANK YOU TO ALLLLLLLLLL WHO CAME.....even all u fuckers that I didn't know lmao (& there were many of u)
Now here are some of the away messages & aims that I received on my Sweet 21 =)
Alex: HAPPY 21st TO ADRI!!!! It all started.....LOL JAHMESE's / NEW YEARS!!!!! turnt the fucc up!! "aww ur like my bff now! We love u! U party like us!!! We're AJ(squared)!!!" - ur words! To planning bonfires, girls night, movies, pictures, lotsssss of drunk moments, our talks....etc. I'm mad that all yall mofos r gonna be 21 without me :( but fucc it LOL cuz u no we'll still be drinking! Live it up! && u already no!! Tomorrow is gonna b crazyyyy!!!
Killa T: [AWAY] ICON- HAPPY 21st BIRTHDAY DREEZ ♪ c u real clear!!!!!! Mannnn where do ♪ start!?!? From burnt missions, to beach days, to kic bacs, to nights in the jacuzzi(no homo:girl talk)l:-Dl , 2 chillin @ ron's house weekly,l:-Dl, to makin videos doin the "pop lock & drop it" dance....2 gettin hyphy to get naked u beezy in ma old car...rip...lmao. 2 sooo many hillarious moments we've shared! ♪ kno ♪ can always count on u for a laugh & a good word...& 2 remind that IMA GET MINE REGORLESS YOMP SHOOOO...LMAO *HAND ROLL & CLAP...THEN GET THAT MONEY* hahahahaha....& if ♪ could get u drake or trey for ur bday ♪ would! Lmao
♥ LoVe ♥ u B:-*:-*!
& saturday its mos def ONNNN!!!
Carlton: [AWAY] Happy Birthday to my little sister Adri. I'm getting hella drunk at your party to the point where I cant remember my name.
Melissa: [AWAY] Rise & Shine -HaPPy MuthA FuCkiN *(21st)* BirthdaY DaY 2 my BiTch ADRIANNA ... See yoU @ da parTy SaturdaY and enjoY yo Day, Month, and YeaR!!!!
Carole: [AVAILABLE] Happy Birthday Cuzzo!
My how times flies I remember
when we was jus lil tikes dancin
in my backyard or was that Talia
lol cnt remember but DANG! yo
ass is still dancin lol but have a
great 1 TIU! Love U...kind of lmao
Dawniesha: Dawnfiesty: [AWAY] HAPPY 21st BIRTHDAY 2 MAH GURL ADRIANNA!!!...We go all the way back 2 1st grade in Ms. Toyamas class....I'm talkin about MLK Jr. Elementary w. snaggle teeth, etc. (Hey I still got pics)...lol... (Fun Fact: Did U kno I had a crush on ur brother?!?!....lmfao I loved me sum Mr. Mason back in those dayz! Hahahahaa)
Day: [AVAILABLE] HAPPY FREAKIN BIRTHDAY ADRI!!! Lol u old as shit now. You in tha old head category now.
Tim: TR: [AWAY] Happy Cday 2 1 of ma best fuccn friends ADRIANNA NICOLE MUTHAFUCCN MASON ur finally 21 so u can't b on ma head anymore bout buyn drinks and shit lol we clubbn drinkn TIU'n like we always do. Shit ur 21 damn lol we go bacc 2 weekenders fsc lbf bacc farther than that b4 we even made the groups up lol u no I'm there 4 u fucc wat every1 else say I love u and now we can get turnt 2gether legally lmao so lets do that shit cuz lmao SATURDAY WE ON LOL THAS JUST 4 STARTERS LMAO
Kayla: To day happens to be my big cousin Adrianna 21st birthday . Hope you enjoy every moment of it & don't let no1 fuck it up .Even tho your birthday wish is kinda long lol I hope you get everything you want . Enjoy your day &... (she also said..)Happy Birthday to you .Happy Birthday to you . Happy Birthday to Happpppppy Birthday to you . & many mores on channel 4 . Okayy you get the picture happy 21st bday enjoy yourself & hope there's many more to come .Oh yea don't let no1 fuck it up
Ron:[AWAY] Adrianna Nicole Mason
.... a woman of many names.
I typed a paragraph per your request. LoL
First and foremost, I wanna say fuck u. Bcuz ur 21 and I'm not quite there yet LoL. But ummmmm yea.... I've known OF u 4 a minnnnnn LoL.... but we didn't start kickin it til we got outta Hami. I think I wrote in ur yearbook that we needed 2 start kickin it, and sumthing about my future as a stripper.... I guess one of those things got accomplished lmao. So many insiders, so many functions... I could go on for days, 4rm "The Weekenders" to "La Flip Fam"(ionno if that's an insider, I mightve jus made that up) lmao.... anywho! Happy Birthday! Live it up, ur legal. Lets get drunk!
Todd(he also wrote me a blog that was AWESOME: DREEZ IS A FUCKIN 21 YR OLD POWER RANGER!! HAPPY BDAY!!
Angel: [AWAY] Happy Birthday wishes to none other than Ms. Adrianna Nicole Mason! I think this is ur 7th birthday I've shared with u so here's 2 many more! I love u & there's no other like u! There's more but let's not get 2 emo on aim.
Talia: [AVAILABLE] Adrianna Nicole Mason (the 3rd lol) Why are u 21? Ur sposed to be 16 4EVER (4EVER!4EVER!). Lol!Well I hope u enjoy this weekend to the fullest extent & "turn up it" 24/7. This weekend u get to play my keyboard as much and u like... no matter how bad:)
Leo: hamotyme44: [AWAY] Happy 21st to Adrianna. Sorry u don't get no super long [AWAY] but we low key just met lol. But here's to 21 years of greatness. And don't stress no more all day just be cool and SMOKE!
Anyway, thank you guys for allllllllllllllllllllllllllll the love & comin to the party. That shit was so ON!!!!!!!!
& The after party wasn't too bad either lol
The party was a SUCCESS without a doubt!!!
I looked bamb.
Danced all night.
Got turnt UP. LEGALLY! What biyattttch?! lol
THANK YOU TO ALLLLLLLLLL WHO CAME.....even all u fuckers that I didn't know lmao (& there were many of u)
Now here are some of the away messages & aims that I received on my Sweet 21 =)
Alex: HAPPY 21st TO ADRI!!!! It all started.....LOL JAHMESE's / NEW YEARS!!!!! turnt the fucc up!! "aww ur like my bff now! We love u! U party like us!!! We're AJ(squared)!!!" - ur words! To planning bonfires, girls night, movies, pictures, lotsssss of drunk moments, our talks....etc. I'm mad that all yall mofos r gonna be 21 without me :( but fucc it LOL cuz u no we'll still be drinking! Live it up! && u already no!! Tomorrow is gonna b crazyyyy!!!
Killa T: [AWAY] ICON- HAPPY 21st BIRTHDAY DREEZ ♪ c u real clear!!!!!! Mannnn where do ♪ start!?!? From burnt missions, to beach days, to kic bacs, to nights in the jacuzzi(no homo:girl talk)l:-Dl , 2 chillin @ ron's house weekly,l:-Dl, to makin videos doin the "pop lock & drop it" dance....2 gettin hyphy to get naked u beezy in ma old car...rip...lmao. 2 sooo many hillarious moments we've shared! ♪ kno ♪ can always count on u for a laugh & a good word...& 2 remind that IMA GET MINE REGORLESS YOMP SHOOOO...LMAO *HAND ROLL & CLAP...THEN GET THAT MONEY* hahahahaha....& if ♪ could get u drake or trey for ur bday ♪ would! Lmao
♥ LoVe ♥ u B:-*:-*!
& saturday its mos def ONNNN!!!
Carlton: [AWAY] Happy Birthday to my little sister Adri. I'm getting hella drunk at your party to the point where I cant remember my name.
Melissa: [AWAY] Rise & Shine -HaPPy MuthA FuCkiN *(21st)* BirthdaY DaY 2 my BiTch ADRIANNA ... See yoU @ da parTy SaturdaY and enjoY yo Day, Month, and YeaR!!!!
Carole: [AVAILABLE] Happy Birthday Cuzzo!
My how times flies I remember
when we was jus lil tikes dancin
in my backyard or was that Talia
lol cnt remember but DANG! yo
ass is still dancin lol but have a
great 1 TIU! Love U...kind of lmao
Dawniesha: Dawnfiesty: [AWAY] HAPPY 21st BIRTHDAY 2 MAH GURL ADRIANNA!!!...We go all the way back 2 1st grade in Ms. Toyamas class....I'm talkin about MLK Jr. Elementary w. snaggle teeth, etc. (Hey I still got pics)...lol... (Fun Fact: Did U kno I had a crush on ur brother?!?!....lmfao I loved me sum Mr. Mason back in those dayz! Hahahahaa)
Day: [AVAILABLE] HAPPY FREAKIN BIRTHDAY ADRI!!! Lol u old as shit now. You in tha old head category now.
Tim: TR: [AWAY] Happy Cday 2 1 of ma best fuccn friends ADRIANNA NICOLE MUTHAFUCCN MASON ur finally 21 so u can't b on ma head anymore bout buyn drinks and shit lol we clubbn drinkn TIU'n like we always do. Shit ur 21 damn lol we go bacc 2 weekenders fsc lbf bacc farther than that b4 we even made the groups up lol u no I'm there 4 u fucc wat every1 else say I love u and now we can get turnt 2gether legally lmao so lets do that shit cuz lmao SATURDAY WE ON LOL THAS JUST 4 STARTERS LMAO
Kayla: To day happens to be my big cousin Adrianna 21st birthday . Hope you enjoy every moment of it & don't let no1 fuck it up .Even tho your birthday wish is kinda long lol I hope you get everything you want . Enjoy your day &... (she also said..)Happy Birthday to you .Happy Birthday to you . Happy Birthday to Happpppppy Birthday to you . & many mores on channel 4 . Okayy you get the picture happy 21st bday enjoy yourself & hope there's many more to come .Oh yea don't let no1 fuck it up
Ron:[AWAY] Adrianna Nicole Mason
.... a woman of many names.
I typed a paragraph per your request. LoL
First and foremost, I wanna say fuck u. Bcuz ur 21 and I'm not quite there yet LoL. But ummmmm yea.... I've known OF u 4 a minnnnnn LoL.... but we didn't start kickin it til we got outta Hami. I think I wrote in ur yearbook that we needed 2 start kickin it, and sumthing about my future as a stripper.... I guess one of those things got accomplished lmao. So many insiders, so many functions... I could go on for days, 4rm "The Weekenders" to "La Flip Fam"(ionno if that's an insider, I mightve jus made that up) lmao.... anywho! Happy Birthday! Live it up, ur legal. Lets get drunk!
Todd(he also wrote me a blog that was AWESOME: DREEZ IS A FUCKIN 21 YR OLD POWER RANGER!! HAPPY BDAY!!
Angel: [AWAY] Happy Birthday wishes to none other than Ms. Adrianna Nicole Mason! I think this is ur 7th birthday I've shared with u so here's 2 many more! I love u & there's no other like u! There's more but let's not get 2 emo on aim.
Talia: [AVAILABLE] Adrianna Nicole Mason (the 3rd lol) Why are u 21? Ur sposed to be 16 4EVER (4EVER!4EVER!). Lol!Well I hope u enjoy this weekend to the fullest extent & "turn up it" 24/7. This weekend u get to play my keyboard as much and u like... no matter how bad:)
Leo: hamotyme44: [AWAY] Happy 21st to Adrianna. Sorry u don't get no super long [AWAY] but we low key just met lol. But here's to 21 years of greatness. And don't stress no more all day just be cool and SMOKE!
Anyway, thank you guys for allllllllllllllllllllllllllll the love & comin to the party. That shit was so ON!!!!!!!!
& The after party wasn't too bad either lol
Friday, July 17, 2009
It's been a great day since it hit 12am...
I have a blog commin up of all the love I got from every1.
I couldn't thank you guys enough cuz it really means A LOT to me...
That's all I'm gonna say for now.
It's been a great day since it hit 12am...
I have a blog commin up of all the love I got from every1.
I couldn't thank you guys enough cuz it really means A LOT to me...
That's all I'm gonna say for now.
Monday, July 13, 2009
Friday, July 10, 2009
"Publically they'll claim to be virgins but privately...he hit it" hahahaha
Yea I'm in love w/ JT. AND WHAT?! SO?! lmao....
Thursday, July 9, 2009
I don't have much to say but....
This has been a great summer to tell the truth.
For more reasons than I feel like listing lol.
I just hope I enjoy my bday & all that shit.
I'm starting to get excited about it =)
Hopefully, the rest of my summer goes well...
Hope all is well with you all...
For more reasons than I feel like listing lol.
I just hope I enjoy my bday & all that shit.
I'm starting to get excited about it =)
Hopefully, the rest of my summer goes well...
Hope all is well with you all...
Monday, July 6, 2009
I'm in love with Justin Timberlake...I've never even seeeeen this one!! lol
"They're gonna have to rename this one 'all up under the covers day'!" hahahahahaha
"They're gonna have to rename this one 'all up under the covers day'!" hahahahahaha
Friday, July 3, 2009
Thursday, July 2, 2009
Oh so its July huh?
As you SHOULD ALL know...
Its my Bday month.
I'm a little geeked about it.
I'm tryin not to be too geeked...cuz as I've stated in previous blogs (or at least I think I have haha..) when I get too excited about somethin like an event or some shit...everything goes wrong.
I mean I seriously will envision something and then be pissed when shit goes wrong haha...
So I've kinda learned my lesson and I'm not gonna pump it up too much but hopefully I have a good time...
What's funny is, some ppl are more excited about it than I am haha
We'll see how this goes!
15 days left!! HOLLAAAAAA
Its my Bday month.
I'm a little geeked about it.
I'm tryin not to be too geeked...cuz as I've stated in previous blogs (or at least I think I have haha..) when I get too excited about somethin like an event or some shit...everything goes wrong.
I mean I seriously will envision something and then be pissed when shit goes wrong haha...
So I've kinda learned my lesson and I'm not gonna pump it up too much but hopefully I have a good time...
What's funny is, some ppl are more excited about it than I am haha
We'll see how this goes!
15 days left!! HOLLAAAAAA
Sunday, June 28, 2009
Never imagined...
That I would be this affected by MJ's death but I've seriously been melancholic for the past few days. Watching nothing but his videos, listening to his music. Cried a few times. I didn't realize that I was this big of a fan until now unfortunately. Its just really hard to believe he's gone this early...he's inspired me more than I could've imagined & I strongly believe in my heart that he will NEVER be out done. I want to thank him for the doors he opened for many others & for what he brought to the industries. My dancing wouldn't be what it is without him. I pray for his family and children because I know it was hard enough for them as it was....
As much as I would love to make a tribute dance to him, I'm not sure I could ever create and develop a piece that would do him justice....but who knows, there may be one dedicated to him...
again...R.I.P. Michael Jackson...I aspire to be half as great of a performer as you were.
As much as I would love to make a tribute dance to him, I'm not sure I could ever create and develop a piece that would do him justice....but who knows, there may be one dedicated to him...
again...R.I.P. Michael Jackson...I aspire to be half as great of a performer as you were.
Thursday, June 25, 2009
I never even imagined I'd be this emotional about it...
RIP to MJ.
An UNBELIEVEABLE influence on my dance/choreography/performing.
I never thought I'd see the day that he'd leave this earth.
& I never expected to drop a few tears until I realized how even I have modeled my style of dance after him and the impact he's had on my idols in the music industry & in dance industry.
I hate that the news was so disrespectful to show discuss his legal issues right after announcing his death. I felt that it was unfair to him, his family & fans. But that's how they do...they said all of that before they could remind us of all his great accomplishments.
Foreal man this is one of those days where you have to remember NOT to take ANYTHING for granted. Not friends, family, health, MUSIC. Nothing. I love ALL my peeps and I hate that it always takes a death for me to remember to say it.
This vid marks how amazing I believed him to be...I have NEVER seen a robot so sick..bump the moonwalk. He gets OFFFFFFFFF when they performed "Dancing Machine"
An UNBELIEVEABLE influence on my dance/choreography/performing.
I never thought I'd see the day that he'd leave this earth.
& I never expected to drop a few tears until I realized how even I have modeled my style of dance after him and the impact he's had on my idols in the music industry & in dance industry.
I hate that the news was so disrespectful to show discuss his legal issues right after announcing his death. I felt that it was unfair to him, his family & fans. But that's how they do...they said all of that before they could remind us of all his great accomplishments.
Foreal man this is one of those days where you have to remember NOT to take ANYTHING for granted. Not friends, family, health, MUSIC. Nothing. I love ALL my peeps and I hate that it always takes a death for me to remember to say it.
This vid marks how amazing I believed him to be...I have NEVER seen a robot so sick..bump the moonwalk. He gets OFFFFFFFFF when they performed "Dancing Machine"
Monday, June 22, 2009
Live From MLK JR. Elem.
I"m at work hidin so I don't have to do shit. lol Sittin here at the computer w/ Jazz watchin vids & listenin to music on MTV.com...the lil radio I'm listenin to is playin "Slow Motion" by Juvenile LMFAO. Random shit! And they're in here playin GUITAR HERO! Niggas don't care around here lmao. I lowkey wanna play tho lol...
Anyway....Today's the last day & its pretty bittersweet for a number of reasons. Let's start with the sweet lol...I'm so over those damn kids so I'm glad I'll get a cool lil rest from em. Also...I don't have to wake up early & shit to go to work. Now bitter...the teacher I work for is leavin the school & goin to teach at Bright Elem. & I'm sadddddd =(. Now who am I gonna TA for??? haha No but seriously its not gonna be the same at all. Also...I don't have a summer yob! Sooooo unless I find somethin this is gonna be a wack ass summer...and its supposed to be fucking BOMB! I TURN 21 IN 25 DAYS for fucks sake! sheesh!!!!
I ain't goin to summer school. No job...I can't be sittin on my ass all summer...So me & talia started a lil work out plan...buuuuuuut what am I supposed to do besides that?! Suggestions?
Now to go off onto a diff tangent real quick....
I feel like if you treat ppl reasonably....soon enough they'll feel wack for being that way...
& If they don't......MIDDLE FINGER. Cuz u can only do it for so long before its just ridiculously unbearable.
So for now...imma just LOVE...cuz really...that's what I'm good at.
Anyway....Today's the last day & its pretty bittersweet for a number of reasons. Let's start with the sweet lol...I'm so over those damn kids so I'm glad I'll get a cool lil rest from em. Also...I don't have to wake up early & shit to go to work. Now bitter...the teacher I work for is leavin the school & goin to teach at Bright Elem. & I'm sadddddd =(. Now who am I gonna TA for??? haha No but seriously its not gonna be the same at all. Also...I don't have a summer yob! Sooooo unless I find somethin this is gonna be a wack ass summer...and its supposed to be fucking BOMB! I TURN 21 IN 25 DAYS for fucks sake! sheesh!!!!
I ain't goin to summer school. No job...I can't be sittin on my ass all summer...So me & talia started a lil work out plan...buuuuuuut what am I supposed to do besides that?! Suggestions?
Now to go off onto a diff tangent real quick....
I feel like if you treat ppl reasonably....soon enough they'll feel wack for being that way...
& If they don't......MIDDLE FINGER. Cuz u can only do it for so long before its just ridiculously unbearable.
So for now...imma just LOVE...cuz really...that's what I'm good at.
Monday, June 15, 2009
Yea mannnnnnnnnn
Sunday, June 14, 2009
I can't even belive I'm awake...
I've had a really good weekend actually..
Friday at work was really cool, every year the 2nd graders go to the Kenneth Hauhn Park for the end of the year picnic. Mannnnn BOMB food. I was so fuckin full it was ridiculous. Then we thought we were gonna have to loc up on some other school's teachers lol smh. The bus driver was TOO much...this nigga was bumpin the radio...and I mean BUMPIN & the kids were dancin and singin the words to the songs and the bus driver is like yeaaaaaaaa its a party, everybody put ur hands up! LMMFAO. That was one of the FUNNIEST bus rides I've ever experienced. Then I got home & attempted to clean my room until Tia hit me up. I met at her house & she took me to GET MY NOSE PIERCED! Woohoo....I was nervous but it didn't even hurt & I took it like a G (of course lmao). But I love it & now Imma be brand new lmfao. Then we went to shakeys at pizza, chicken & mojos (is that what they're called?? lol) Anyway we stayed till the employees had they're iPods on trynna clean up lol. We talked about soooooooo much. Then me & Angel had a long talk as usual havin to catch up on eachother's lives lol
Saturday we went to SIX FLAGS MAGIC MOUNTAIN! It was packed but fuckin funnnnnnnnnnn. Had some bomb ass chicken strips & candy apple at the end. Screamed on every ride like a maniac lmao. The result? I don't have a voice lol...Man X2 is bommmmmmmb as fuck lol. & Tatsu of course...Me & Jazz got on twice in a row...Tim lost his Blackberry on that shit. RIP. Lol smh...they have lockers & say NO LOOSE ARTICLES for a reason lol. Soooo many laughs...My hair was fucked from the beginnin cuz I decided to try my luck & get on the roaring rapids...I got fuckin soaked lol my ass was wet for HOURS! Lol Anyway we named chris PACK...I won't say what it stands for but his ass bailed on the last two, & GREATEST two of the rides. (Punk) Lol we had a reallllllyy good time & videos are comin soon.
Now its Sunday & its GAME TIME!! Lakers come on tonight....this could be it! Thering we been waitin for...I lowkey wanted them to win out here but fuck it we need to get the job done once & for all to redeem ourselves from last years tragedy...I wanna go to the parade but lowkey....these Laker fans are fuckin nuts lol....Here's to the Lake Show, let all our dreams come true tonight!
I've had a really good weekend actually..
Friday at work was really cool, every year the 2nd graders go to the Kenneth Hauhn Park for the end of the year picnic. Mannnnn BOMB food. I was so fuckin full it was ridiculous. Then we thought we were gonna have to loc up on some other school's teachers lol smh. The bus driver was TOO much...this nigga was bumpin the radio...and I mean BUMPIN & the kids were dancin and singin the words to the songs and the bus driver is like yeaaaaaaaa its a party, everybody put ur hands up! LMMFAO. That was one of the FUNNIEST bus rides I've ever experienced. Then I got home & attempted to clean my room until Tia hit me up. I met at her house & she took me to GET MY NOSE PIERCED! Woohoo....I was nervous but it didn't even hurt & I took it like a G (of course lmao). But I love it & now Imma be brand new lmfao. Then we went to shakeys at pizza, chicken & mojos (is that what they're called?? lol) Anyway we stayed till the employees had they're iPods on trynna clean up lol. We talked about soooooooo much. Then me & Angel had a long talk as usual havin to catch up on eachother's lives lol
Saturday we went to SIX FLAGS MAGIC MOUNTAIN! It was packed but fuckin funnnnnnnnnnn. Had some bomb ass chicken strips & candy apple at the end. Screamed on every ride like a maniac lmao. The result? I don't have a voice lol...Man X2 is bommmmmmmb as fuck lol. & Tatsu of course...Me & Jazz got on twice in a row...Tim lost his Blackberry on that shit. RIP. Lol smh...they have lockers & say NO LOOSE ARTICLES for a reason lol. Soooo many laughs...My hair was fucked from the beginnin cuz I decided to try my luck & get on the roaring rapids...I got fuckin soaked lol my ass was wet for HOURS! Lol Anyway we named chris PACK...I won't say what it stands for but his ass bailed on the last two, & GREATEST two of the rides. (Punk) Lol we had a reallllllyy good time & videos are comin soon.
Now its Sunday & its GAME TIME!! Lakers come on tonight....this could be it! Thering we been waitin for...I lowkey wanted them to win out here but fuck it we need to get the job done once & for all to redeem ourselves from last years tragedy...I wanna go to the parade but lowkey....these Laker fans are fuckin nuts lol....Here's to the Lake Show, let all our dreams come true tonight!
Wednesday, June 10, 2009
400 blog views
i prolly shoulda started usin the counter when i first made the blog...the number would be more accurate lol
i prolly shoulda started usin the counter when i first made the blog...the number would be more accurate lol
Tuesday, June 9, 2009
I haven't been M.I.A...I just been admirin from afar...
Soooooooooo I basically been neglecting my blog.....Just cuz idk where the hell to start lol...I've been reading everyone else's shit and writing NOTHIN lol.
Anywayyyyyyyyyyy, school is OVER..
Correction..Spring Session is over...
I go back to school on the 15th...
But due to fuckin budget cuts I will be commutin all the fuckin way to East LA for this jive ass math class (lmao that rhymed) that I'm prayin to pass so I can get on through life lol...
Ummmm I'm havin a bday party next month...
I'LL BE 21 NEXT MONTH!!!!!!!
Haha...I'm tryin not to pump it up too much tho...cuz we all know how my life goes...& if u don't I'll explain that in another blog some day lol
But hopefully its a cool function...
Let's see what else....I'm proud of my youtube shit! I got 205 views so far, for a video that has only been up a week & 4 days! I think that's pretty G....if u peeped em, thanks so much! Now tell some friends lol...U should already know...A nigga's trynna get noticed! lmao
I've come to the conclusion that guys are only nice fall-winter
Me & Jenn have already decided a theory on the SecSemesFresh....smh.
No need to say more...
Anywayyyyyyyyyyy, school is OVER..
Correction..Spring Session is over...
I go back to school on the 15th...
But due to fuckin budget cuts I will be commutin all the fuckin way to East LA for this jive ass math class (lmao that rhymed) that I'm prayin to pass so I can get on through life lol...
Ummmm I'm havin a bday party next month...
I'LL BE 21 NEXT MONTH!!!!!!!
Haha...I'm tryin not to pump it up too much tho...cuz we all know how my life goes...& if u don't I'll explain that in another blog some day lol
But hopefully its a cool function...
Let's see what else....I'm proud of my youtube shit! I got 205 views so far, for a video that has only been up a week & 4 days! I think that's pretty G....if u peeped em, thanks so much! Now tell some friends lol...U should already know...A nigga's trynna get noticed! lmao
I've come to the conclusion that guys are only nice fall-winter
Me & Jenn have already decided a theory on the SecSemesFresh....smh.
No need to say more...
Tuesday, June 2, 2009
And anotha one....
my latest.
enjoy....or don't...
either way ur gonna watch that shit =)...watch the WHOLE thing
enjoy....or don't...
either way ur gonna watch that shit =)...watch the WHOLE thing
Thursday, May 28, 2009
Trynna Make My Dreams Come to Life
New choreo.....peep game
comment. rate. check out my others. tell friends! =)
a nigga trynna get noticed! lmao
comment. rate. check out my others. tell friends! =)
a nigga trynna get noticed! lmao
Tuesday, May 26, 2009
Ok so first off, I haven't gotten to talk about the drake & r. les concert yet but that's cuz I have so much to say about it & i need time to gather my thoughts because he's so fuckin bomb its ridiculous.....
I just wanted to mention that there's a particular song that Jazz & I ALWAYS talk about. Basically sayin like if a guy sang it to us or played it our clothes would just fall off lmao....
At the concert Drake starts to get on his R&B shit & is talkin about slow songs & states & I quote...
"This song right here is what I play when i just wanna fuck the SHIT outta somebody"
(And u know I almost fainted just cuz he said that lmao....yea I'm on him ULTRA tough...but in his words, "u gon have to get ova it")
So the DJ drops the song....AND ITS THE FUCKIN SONNNNNNNNNNNG we always talk about!
We were flippin the fuck outtttttttttttttttttttttt.....I promise if he woulda sang it I woulda cried lmmfao.
Anyway, so that you stop wondering...here it is....
Can You Handle It - Usher
Now idk how that makes yall feel but as soooooooon as the chimes in the beginning come on I LOVE it. & Nowwwwwwwwwwww I won't be able to hear it w/out thinkin bout Drake & his overly sexy self lol
I just wanted to mention that there's a particular song that Jazz & I ALWAYS talk about. Basically sayin like if a guy sang it to us or played it our clothes would just fall off lmao....
At the concert Drake starts to get on his R&B shit & is talkin about slow songs & states & I quote...
"This song right here is what I play when i just wanna fuck the SHIT outta somebody"
(And u know I almost fainted just cuz he said that lmao....yea I'm on him ULTRA tough...but in his words, "u gon have to get ova it")
So the DJ drops the song....AND ITS THE FUCKIN SONNNNNNNNNNNG we always talk about!
We were flippin the fuck outtttttttttttttttttttttt.....I promise if he woulda sang it I woulda cried lmmfao.
Anyway, so that you stop wondering...here it is....
Can You Handle It - Usher
Now idk how that makes yall feel but as soooooooon as the chimes in the beginning come on I LOVE it. & Nowwwwwwwwwwww I won't be able to hear it w/out thinkin bout Drake & his overly sexy self lol
Thursday, May 21, 2009
Myyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy fucking goodness....
I'm tryin not to be TOO geeked about saturday to see DRAKE...Cuz in my life, when I get too excited about somethin...somethin bad usually happens...
But FUCK! I'm sooooooooooo over this shit...
I'm sayin I can't just have a consistent good week....
One good thing happens & I think I'm straight then POWPOW!
I get hit with some stupid bullshit...
I wanna just fuckin slap the shit out of someone.
So I'm not gon hype shit up....Imma just hope that saturday is bomb.
Scratch that...I hope its BAMB
Sidenote: I'mma step off. On some Stomp the Yard ending type shit.
But FUCK! I'm sooooooooooo over this shit...
I'm sayin I can't just have a consistent good week....
One good thing happens & I think I'm straight then POWPOW!
I get hit with some stupid bullshit...
I wanna just fuckin slap the shit out of someone.
So I'm not gon hype shit up....Imma just hope that saturday is bomb.
Scratch that...I hope its BAMB
Sidenote: I'mma step off. On some Stomp the Yard ending type shit.
Tuesday, May 19, 2009
Real quick....
This blog may not be suitable for Men of any age....
But have you ever just wanted to kick someone suuuuuuuuuuper hard in the nuts???
I mean SUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUPER hard....Like to the point of testicular trauma?
Or like take a sledge hammer to em?
U have to admit there are times when such a harsh punishment is due....
I'm sorry I'm having a violent streak this week. I said I wanted to stab someone on monday in my facebook status & everyone freaked lol
Anyway....that's all.
PEACE & LOVE =) (lmao)
But have you ever just wanted to kick someone suuuuuuuuuuper hard in the nuts???
I mean SUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUPER hard....Like to the point of testicular trauma?
Or like take a sledge hammer to em?
U have to admit there are times when such a harsh punishment is due....
I'm sorry I'm having a violent streak this week. I said I wanted to stab someone on monday in my facebook status & everyone freaked lol
Anyway....that's all.
PEACE & LOVE =) (lmao)
Sunday, May 17, 2009
Saturday, May 16, 2009
Never learn
I can never win....no matter how close I come to the finish line.
Every time I think I come across someone nice I'm reminded that there's like no such thing in my life. Not with my luck.
Its amazing. Its outrageous.
What do you want???
I NEVER learn my lesson.
No matter how many times I've been taught.
One day I will & they'll all be just a memory of when I didn't know any better...
Until then...I guess I'm just...
Every time I think I come across someone nice I'm reminded that there's like no such thing in my life. Not with my luck.
Its amazing. Its outrageous.
What do you want???
I NEVER learn my lesson.
No matter how many times I've been taught.
One day I will & they'll all be just a memory of when I didn't know any better...
Until then...I guess I'm just...
In case you missed the show...
Here's two of my pieces I choreographed...The theme of the show was "The Wiz" (lame, I know lol) & so the Drake choreography was supposed to be the Poppies in the movie (ya know they sprinkle the dust & Dorthy & Lion become intoxicated) & the Dream choreography is when Dorthy meets the GoodWitch of the South & Goes back home (to LA, Bitch!)
Anyway...enjoy!! =)
Anyway...enjoy!! =)
Sunday, May 10, 2009
Ahhhh, Don't End!
Haven't had an exquisite weekend like this in a cool minute.
From friday night =) til tonight its been bomb.com
Friday=Cool day at work. Staff appreciation day barbeque. Heat. Babies jerkin & doin the reject. Cleaned the FUCK outta my room lookin for my USB for my camera. Dad had my fuckin cord the whole time. Laker game. Knocked Up. Quality Time. Home at 5 a.m...
Saturday=...Home at 5 a.m. (lol) Phone w/ tmobile. Park w/ Tim at 6 a.m. He worked out & I watched lol. Denny's. Back home at 9:30 a.m. Finally went to sleep at 9:45 a.m. Woke up & got dressed. Bought booze. Went to the beach. Searched for a pit. Made friends w/ some ppl with a pit. TIU. Bonfire with the crewwwwww minus a few. Jerkin. Saw Day dance for like the 1st time ever...it was crazy lol. Many pics. Many laughs. Jack N the Box. Ashley's house. Home. Sleeeeeeeeeeeeep.
Sunday=Sleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeep. Dinner w/ the fam. It was delicious. Laughs. Chill. Jerkin w/ Talia. TV
I wanna rewind to friday night & pause it there for a while lmao
Then fast forward to the bonfire & pause it a lil bit...
I can't wait til summer time man....
From friday night =) til tonight its been bomb.com
Friday=Cool day at work. Staff appreciation day barbeque. Heat. Babies jerkin & doin the reject. Cleaned the FUCK outta my room lookin for my USB for my camera. Dad had my fuckin cord the whole time. Laker game. Knocked Up. Quality Time. Home at 5 a.m...
Saturday=...Home at 5 a.m. (lol) Phone w/ tmobile. Park w/ Tim at 6 a.m. He worked out & I watched lol. Denny's. Back home at 9:30 a.m. Finally went to sleep at 9:45 a.m. Woke up & got dressed. Bought booze. Went to the beach. Searched for a pit. Made friends w/ some ppl with a pit. TIU. Bonfire with the crewwwwww minus a few. Jerkin. Saw Day dance for like the 1st time ever...it was crazy lol. Many pics. Many laughs. Jack N the Box. Ashley's house. Home. Sleeeeeeeeeeeeep.
Sunday=Sleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeep. Dinner w/ the fam. It was delicious. Laughs. Chill. Jerkin w/ Talia. TV
I wanna rewind to friday night & pause it there for a while lmao
Then fast forward to the bonfire & pause it a lil bit...
I can't wait til summer time man....
Thursday, May 7, 2009
Live From Work
I'm just bored at work thinkin of all the other fun stuff I could be doing besides sitting here in the computer lab lol.
I haven't done a real blog in a long ass time....sorry to disappoint but this one doesn't really qualify as one either lol....
I'm killing time cuz I leave in like 2 mins to go HOME. A nigga is starvin like on some marvin type shit so Imma eat then head to school for dance...
Speakin of which...we got a show comin up next week & ppl aren't even ready. AS usual..smmfhT...I'm so over it I'm not even raelly invitin ppl like I did last semester..I'm sooooo tired of this ghetto, no stage havin lame dancer/choreography ass school. I'm not even tryin to sound cocky but I be feelin like I'm the only person who has my shit together & have the technique to REALLY put on a show...rme oh well....gotta deal with it for now til I can move on to WAYYYY bigger & better shit.
Its time for me to be out this bitch.
I'm just bored at work thinkin of all the other fun stuff I could be doing besides sitting here in the computer lab lol.
I haven't done a real blog in a long ass time....sorry to disappoint but this one doesn't really qualify as one either lol....
I'm killing time cuz I leave in like 2 mins to go HOME. A nigga is starvin like on some marvin type shit so Imma eat then head to school for dance...
Speakin of which...we got a show comin up next week & ppl aren't even ready. AS usual..smmfhT...I'm so over it I'm not even raelly invitin ppl like I did last semester..I'm sooooo tired of this ghetto, no stage havin lame dancer/choreography ass school. I'm not even tryin to sound cocky but I be feelin like I'm the only person who has my shit together & have the technique to REALLY put on a show...rme oh well....gotta deal with it for now til I can move on to WAYYYY bigger & better shit.
Its time for me to be out this bitch.
Friday, May 1, 2009
Monday, April 27, 2009
Ohhhhh yeaaaaaaaaaaa
Not quite as dumb as I thought I was....
Soooooo I never do my math hw right?
& it really affects my scores.
Like I do well in class when he's teaching.
But I don't practice or study then I get to the quizzes & can't remember shit.
Yesterday I decided to do some hw to make sure I still understood the shit he taught last thursday cuz we were gonna have a quiz & I did.
SO today he gives us the quiz & he gives us 12 minutes.
I'm workin on it & its pretty easy so I finish it in about 6 or 7 minutes.
I look around & everyone else is still writing!
I'm like WTF?? & I'm immediately scared that I did the shit wrong & i like quadruple check my answers.
Then time was up & he goes over the answers & low & behold....
I was lowkey geeked cuz I been slackin lol.
Needless to say the moral of the story is : Study & do ur hw
& it really affects my scores.
Like I do well in class when he's teaching.
But I don't practice or study then I get to the quizzes & can't remember shit.
Yesterday I decided to do some hw to make sure I still understood the shit he taught last thursday cuz we were gonna have a quiz & I did.
SO today he gives us the quiz & he gives us 12 minutes.
I'm workin on it & its pretty easy so I finish it in about 6 or 7 minutes.
I look around & everyone else is still writing!
I'm like WTF?? & I'm immediately scared that I did the shit wrong & i like quadruple check my answers.
Then time was up & he goes over the answers & low & behold....
I was lowkey geeked cuz I been slackin lol.
Needless to say the moral of the story is : Study & do ur hw
Sunday, April 26, 2009
Thursday, April 23, 2009
Every Girl
Ok....yall already know I'm in love....
With Aubrey "Drake" "Drizzy" Graham....
This song goes hard & u kno since he's on it, I'M ON IT! lol
Every girl (Official Music Video) - LIL WAYNE feat. YOUNG MONEY
With Aubrey "Drake" "Drizzy" Graham....
This song goes hard & u kno since he's on it, I'M ON IT! lol
Every girl (Official Music Video) - LIL WAYNE feat. YOUNG MONEY
Wednesday, April 22, 2009
SO haven't really been watchin dance vids on youtube in a cool min so I decided to check some shit out....
these niggas r literally professional jerkers lmao...& they go to hami...well a couple of em...
they go harrrrrrrrrd lmao...the fuckin reject on the tredmil nigga?????? u gotta clap it up for that 1 lol
& them again....i guess this is how it'd be if i still went to hami...& idk how to feel about it lmao
ok ok 1 more lol...
hami peeps should recognize a couple familiar faces & the whole area lol. niggas we OLD! =( LOL
that shit is hella entertainin lol
but be on the look out for CGz jerkin videooooooooooooooooooooo lmao
these niggas r literally professional jerkers lmao...& they go to hami...well a couple of em...
they go harrrrrrrrrd lmao...the fuckin reject on the tredmil nigga?????? u gotta clap it up for that 1 lol
& them again....i guess this is how it'd be if i still went to hami...& idk how to feel about it lmao
ok ok 1 more lol...
hami peeps should recognize a couple familiar faces & the whole area lol. niggas we OLD! =( LOL
that shit is hella entertainin lol
but be on the look out for CGz jerkin videooooooooooooooooooooo lmao
Tuesday, April 14, 2009
My spring break was a rollercoaster. Beach. LBF. TIU. I caress arms when I'm drunk( but u love it & we both know it lol). FSC. BEST HEELS I'VE EVER OBTAINED! Dowtown LA. Shoppin. I Love You Man. Chill. Bball. Hurt feelings. Confessed. Relief. Flirt. TIU. New friend. Worked a weddin. Britt's function. Lite's function. TIU FSC turrrrrrnt. New drinks. Light skins. Sunshine! Hami reunion. Baldwin Hills girl. Easter. Church. Fam. Food. Went broke, got money. End.
My weekends were turnt so it outweighed not doin much durin the week. But I LOVED sleeping in & I almost cried Sunday night when I realized I had to go to school & work Monday lmao.
Ron & Todd were turnt to the MAXXXX @ Dom's. Word on the street is they paid for it the next day lmao. (sorry guys lol)
I got a couple new drinks=Passion Fruit Smirnoff & Cactus Cooler lol, UV Lemonade & Cuervo's cousin, Santoro(lmmfaoooooooo insider)
& He keeps playin around. U better stop! =p
My weekends were turnt so it outweighed not doin much durin the week. But I LOVED sleeping in & I almost cried Sunday night when I realized I had to go to school & work Monday lmao.
Ron & Todd were turnt to the MAXXXX @ Dom's. Word on the street is they paid for it the next day lmao. (sorry guys lol)
I got a couple new drinks=Passion Fruit Smirnoff & Cactus Cooler lol, UV Lemonade & Cuervo's cousin, Santoro(lmmfaoooooooo insider)
& He keeps playin around. U better stop! =p
Thursday, April 9, 2009
Its done son...
I said what I needed to say...
Idk if I even want anything to come of it
But I did that shit tho
I was light-headed & heavy hearted
But now the weights off my shoulder
Shit may not change
Or it may
I sure as fuck don't know but its no longer my prob...
Sidenote I just wanna say I have some dope homies:
Niggas keep my head from spinnin sometimes!
Idk if I even want anything to come of it
But I did that shit tho
I was light-headed & heavy hearted
But now the weights off my shoulder
Shit may not change
Or it may
I sure as fuck don't know but its no longer my prob...
Sidenote I just wanna say I have some dope homies:
Niggas keep my head from spinnin sometimes!
1. Who are you?
2. Are we friends?
3. When and how did we meet?
4. How have I affected you?
5. What do you think of me?
6. What's the fondest memory you have of me?
7. How long do you think we will be friends?
8. Do you love me?
9. Do you have a crush on me?
10. Would you kiss me?
11. Would you hug me?
12. Physically, what stands out?
13. Emotionally, what stands out?
14. Do you wish I was cooler?
15. On a scale of 1-10, how hot am I?
16. Give me a nickname and explain why you picked it.
17. Am I loveable?
18. How long have you known me?
19. Describe me in one word.
20. What was your first impression?
21. Do you still think that way about me now?
22. What do you think my weakness is?
23. Do you think I'll get married?
24. What makes me happy?
25. What makes me sad?
26. What reminds you of me?
27. If you could give me anything what would it be?
28. How well do you know me?
29. When's the last time you saw me?
30. Ever wanted to tell me something but couldn't?
31. Do you think I could kill someone?
32. Have we ever had sex? (aint nan one of yall mu'fuckas need to answer that shit lol)
33. Do you miss me?
34. Do you think i miss you?
35. Are you going to put this on your blog and see what I say about you?
2. Are we friends?
3. When and how did we meet?
4. How have I affected you?
5. What do you think of me?
6. What's the fondest memory you have of me?
7. How long do you think we will be friends?
8. Do you love me?
9. Do you have a crush on me?
10. Would you kiss me?
11. Would you hug me?
12. Physically, what stands out?
13. Emotionally, what stands out?
14. Do you wish I was cooler?
15. On a scale of 1-10, how hot am I?
16. Give me a nickname and explain why you picked it.
17. Am I loveable?
18. How long have you known me?
19. Describe me in one word.
20. What was your first impression?
21. Do you still think that way about me now?
22. What do you think my weakness is?
23. Do you think I'll get married?
24. What makes me happy?
25. What makes me sad?
26. What reminds you of me?
27. If you could give me anything what would it be?
28. How well do you know me?
29. When's the last time you saw me?
30. Ever wanted to tell me something but couldn't?
31. Do you think I could kill someone?
32. Have we ever had sex? (aint nan one of yall mu'fuckas need to answer that shit lol)
33. Do you miss me?
34. Do you think i miss you?
35. Are you going to put this on your blog and see what I say about you?
Tuesday, March 31, 2009
I don't like where this is going....
I just wanna say
Like so much....
It doesn't even make sense
But I can't do shit about it because....
& I haven't told you all this time because....
But even if I told u....Idk what I would want to come out of it...
A relationship?
Or just remain friends...
But then there wouldn't be a point of telling you in the 1st place....
IDFK.....I'm just tired of feeling this way...
About u & about.....
Anyway.....if ur reading this....I like u...& Idk what else to say to you...
I just wanna say
Like so much....
It doesn't even make sense
But I can't do shit about it because....
& I haven't told you all this time because....
But even if I told u....Idk what I would want to come out of it...
A relationship?
Or just remain friends...
But then there wouldn't be a point of telling you in the 1st place....
IDFK.....I'm just tired of feeling this way...
About u & about.....
Anyway.....if ur reading this....I like u...& Idk what else to say to you...
Monday, March 23, 2009
Wednesday, March 18, 2009
Thanks to everyone for checkin on the stats of my mom while she was in el hospital overnight. She's comin back today and should be doing better.
I REEEEEEEEAAAAALLLLLLLY appreciate the prayers & well wishes.
Shouts to:
Day, Alex, Ron, Jenn, Todd, Ell, Egypt, Tia, Amelia, Angel, Spencer & Sean
& To you....
Idk y I'm not even surprised at you....
Friend huh?
Sometimes I wonder...
ILY guys thanks again. She appreciates it =)
I REEEEEEEEAAAAALLLLLLLY appreciate the prayers & well wishes.
Shouts to:
Day, Alex, Ron, Jenn, Todd, Ell, Egypt, Tia, Amelia, Angel, Spencer & Sean
& To you....
Idk y I'm not even surprised at you....
Friend huh?
Sometimes I wonder...
ILY guys thanks again. She appreciates it =)
Sunday, March 15, 2009
Dreezy Productions-FSC #2
I think my fav part of this one is Ron's rap "my nipple itch, its simple bitch" lmmfao
At least they actually got some work done this time. I have two lil cameos lol
But definitely gonna be singin on some soon
Thursday, March 12, 2009
Dreez & Jazz Adventures 3
My apologies I just realized the other night that I accidentally cover the mic which is why the sound cuts off a few times lol. My baaaaaaaaaaad
Its been a cool min....
SO basically nothin new has really been happenin so I haven't had the need to blog.
Buuuuuut I got a new Dreezy Production....
LMAO @ Ron singin "ohh ahhh ohh ahhh oh ahhhh" in the beginnin
And tim ass was playin COD w/ Kalii & Day xbox live shit
For the record...Happy Meals are NOT $2.99....so don't go there and expect that
Buuuuuut I got a new Dreezy Production....
LMAO @ Ron singin "ohh ahhh ohh ahhh oh ahhhh" in the beginnin
And tim ass was playin COD w/ Kalii & Day xbox live shit
For the record...Happy Meals are NOT $2.99....so don't go there and expect that
Saturday, February 21, 2009
Out at club arena last nite....
We turned it the FUCC uuuuup last nite...on everything nobody was fuccin it up like us in the club! :-D Chips & salsa. Videos. Pictures. Malibu. Segrams. Popov. Sunny D. Cranberry. Bumpin. Limo. Champagne. Ass shakin. Asses out. Lap dances. Workin it. Sexiness. Thirstiness. Bitches. Soda. Water. & we functionin 2nite too! :-p
IDEK where the fucc that place isssssssssssssssssssss lmao I was too gone to pay attention lmao
then there was one point I thought we were bout to go bad girls club in that bitch & fight this girl lol smh
Saturday, February 14, 2009
I'm on MY laptop
If you didn't know, it died in like september
But thanks to Fry's, its alive and back in my life!
And I'm feeling goooooooooooooooooood
All my pics, music, etc. My shit is alllll here!
So I'm like super excited cuz I thought I'd never see them again lol on some real emo shit. lmao
But um yea I'm just really happy to have it back.
I feel like my life's falling into place! lmmfao
I'm on MY laptop
If you didn't know, it died in like september
But thanks to Fry's, its alive and back in my life!
And I'm feeling goooooooooooooooooood
All my pics, music, etc. My shit is alllll here!
So I'm like super excited cuz I thought I'd never see them again lol on some real emo shit. lmao
But um yea I'm just really happy to have it back.
I feel like my life's falling into place! lmmfao
Friday, February 13, 2009
& we got NO love in the front lol
But its alllllll good cuz me & jazz are going AGAIN
& I'm wearin a brite lime green shirt that says SHOW ME BITCHES!
naw jk
but we are goin again
& we're gonna have a bomb sign & we're gonna try & get there earlier
Hopefully we get some good seats
Maybe we gotta get sexy on em....
I mean....
Who do I have to show my boobs to, to be shown on tv?!?!?!
I'm only half kidding
& we got NO love in the front lol
But its alllllll good cuz me & jazz are going AGAIN
& I'm wearin a brite lime green shirt that says SHOW ME BITCHES!
naw jk
but we are goin again
& we're gonna have a bomb sign & we're gonna try & get there earlier
Hopefully we get some good seats
Maybe we gotta get sexy on em....
I mean....
Who do I have to show my boobs to, to be shown on tv?!?!?!
I'm only half kidding
Thursday, February 12, 2009
The best time EVER
SO me & jazz went to the American Best Dance Crew taping.
That shit was soooooooooooooooo fun OMG!
Man the tickets said that the parking gate opened at4 and we get there at 4:05 & it was already hundres of ppl in line! i was like WTF?! lol
We had to fuckin wait forever & a day but that shit was WORTH IT!
I don't think I've ever seen anybody break dance in person & like basically in my face! lol
We had dope ass seats but it had its pro's & cons. We were sittin in the 2nd row but on the side of the stage.
We were mad close!
We were mad close to Mario Lopez lol
We were sitting behind him so most likely u guys will see us on tonights episode..Or not, shit idk lol but anyway..We had a Fly Khicks sign lmao
They show no love to the ppl in the front, they look straight out to the back smh
We were on the side so some of the stuff they did to the front we couldn't really see
....yea I think that's it lol
All the crews were sick as FUCK man.
They're fucking amazing & I wish I was like them lol
Beak Freaks are fuckin dope!
Strikers Allstars got the grown man sexy swag
Quest Crew is BOMB
Fly Khicks WORK!
& Even Dynamic Edition footwork in person is pretty tight lol
Sooooo watch it TONIGHT but please don't laugh if I look a mess on TV lmfao
I know who goes hommmmme nah nahnah nahnah nah (teasing voice lol)
That shit was soooooooooooooooo fun OMG!
Man the tickets said that the parking gate opened at4 and we get there at 4:05 & it was already hundres of ppl in line! i was like WTF?! lol
We had to fuckin wait forever & a day but that shit was WORTH IT!
I don't think I've ever seen anybody break dance in person & like basically in my face! lol
We had dope ass seats but it had its pro's & cons. We were sittin in the 2nd row but on the side of the stage.
We were mad close!
We were mad close to Mario Lopez lol
We were sitting behind him so most likely u guys will see us on tonights episode..Or not, shit idk lol but anyway..We had a Fly Khicks sign lmao
They show no love to the ppl in the front, they look straight out to the back smh
We were on the side so some of the stuff they did to the front we couldn't really see
....yea I think that's it lol
All the crews were sick as FUCK man.
They're fucking amazing & I wish I was like them lol
Beak Freaks are fuckin dope!
Strikers Allstars got the grown man sexy swag
Quest Crew is BOMB
Fly Khicks WORK!
& Even Dynamic Edition footwork in person is pretty tight lol
Sooooo watch it TONIGHT but please don't laugh if I look a mess on TV lmfao
I know who goes hommmmme nah nahnah nahnah nah (teasing voice lol)
Sunday, February 8, 2009
Friday, February 6, 2009
Tuesday, February 3, 2009
Haven't blogged in a cool one...
I don't have much to say...
I'm sick of school & all its entities.
I'm sittin here eatin White Castle...
I didn't even know this shit was real lol
Valentine's Day is comin up...I already had my lil moment of bahumbug.
I'm over it now.
I'mma just keep my head up & accept candies from my students cuz they love me :) lmao
I'm sick of school & all its entities.
I'm sittin here eatin White Castle...
I didn't even know this shit was real lol
Valentine's Day is comin up...I already had my lil moment of bahumbug.
I'm over it now.
I'mma just keep my head up & accept candies from my students cuz they love me :) lmao
Thursday, January 22, 2009
Tuesday, January 20, 2009
This is virtually one of the hardest blogs I've ever written...
So its been an AMAZING day. I have never felt so absolutely patriotic in my whole entire twenty years of living.
12:00pm ET Barack Hussein Obama became the PRESIDENT of the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA!
I've never been so proud to be a Black US citizen.....
Before I get deep on yall Imma get silly real quick lol...
I was GEEKED that my two favorites, ALICIA KEYS & JAY-Z, PERFORMED AT THE NEIGHBORHOOD BALL!!!!!!!!!!!!
OBAMA LIKES JAY-Z! I remember him saying & I thought to myself...damn this is gonna be a dope 4 yrs! lol
I wrote a short yet sweet letter to the President in my away message that I'd like to share in case you missed it....
It read:
Dear President Obama,
You are a PILF!
Love always,
Adrianna Mason
Los Angeles, CA
LMMFAO. I'm nuts I know....but JENN & ALEX was feelin me on that one! Lmao I'm just sayin if he wasn't happily married to a wonderful woman...he could get it lmao...enough of the ignorance...here we go...its mad emo so brace yourself...
I didn't cry November 4th, 2008 when the votes were counted & we were informed that the now President would be entering the White House. I only teared up...
But today I CRIED.
Friday I found out that the two main goals of graduating with an AA and transfering to a university this year weren't going to happen...
I cried at the thought of defeat feeling hopeless & embarrassed.
I almost felt like there's no way this was going to be able to even finish.
As I watched the Inauguration this morning at school I was really excited.
But when I got home to watch more & watch the balls, I was extremely touched.
It's all so surreal that this is happening in our world. Our COUNTRY. In my RACE.
A race that has been repressed, disrespected, discriminated against and hated for YEARS upon YEARS, is NOW in control of our WHOLE entire nation.
So as I realized today that if our people can go from slavery to presidency...
I can do ANYTHING with the strength of God & strong supporters.
I went from crying tears of disappointment a few days ago to crying tears of joy & inspiration.
I don't like telling people that I cried nor do I like to cry. But today was a day that I put that part of my pride aside for such a humbling moment of our generation.
My people have been through so much through the centuries.
And today marks a a historical, monumental, & breathtaking moment in my life & in American History.
I watched the Neighborhood Ball crying & ironically enough...doing my political science homework...
Thinking to myself...God if only my grandparents, aunt & uncle were here to witness it all. So I hold my head high today in their honor because I know its what they would be doing.
Sam Cook sang "Change is gonna come"
John Mayer sang "We keep on waiting, waiting, waiting on the world to change"
CHANGE is here.
I wish the best of luck and glorious blessings to the President, Vice President and their families.
I also thank him for putting hope back into our lives and inspiring us all to be a better version of ourselves.
I said a prayer asking God to lead & guide President Obama's mind, heart & soul through his entire term and that he and his family would be safe underneath the shield of the Lord's protection. That God would show him the way to lead this country to become a better nation. And that he would put faith into the hearts of those that doubt him.
Prayer changes. You just gotta believe...
I hope you all were as proud, amazed and overwhelmed as I was.
Thank you & goodnight.
12:00pm ET Barack Hussein Obama became the PRESIDENT of the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA!
I've never been so proud to be a Black US citizen.....
Before I get deep on yall Imma get silly real quick lol...
I was GEEKED that my two favorites, ALICIA KEYS & JAY-Z, PERFORMED AT THE NEIGHBORHOOD BALL!!!!!!!!!!!!
OBAMA LIKES JAY-Z! I remember him saying & I thought to myself...damn this is gonna be a dope 4 yrs! lol
I wrote a short yet sweet letter to the President in my away message that I'd like to share in case you missed it....
It read:
Dear President Obama,
You are a PILF!
Love always,
Adrianna Mason
Los Angeles, CA
LMMFAO. I'm nuts I know....but JENN & ALEX was feelin me on that one! Lmao I'm just sayin if he wasn't happily married to a wonderful woman...he could get it lmao...enough of the ignorance...here we go...its mad emo so brace yourself...
I didn't cry November 4th, 2008 when the votes were counted & we were informed that the now President would be entering the White House. I only teared up...
But today I CRIED.
Friday I found out that the two main goals of graduating with an AA and transfering to a university this year weren't going to happen...
I cried at the thought of defeat feeling hopeless & embarrassed.
I almost felt like there's no way this was going to be able to even finish.
As I watched the Inauguration this morning at school I was really excited.
But when I got home to watch more & watch the balls, I was extremely touched.
It's all so surreal that this is happening in our world. Our COUNTRY. In my RACE.
A race that has been repressed, disrespected, discriminated against and hated for YEARS upon YEARS, is NOW in control of our WHOLE entire nation.
So as I realized today that if our people can go from slavery to presidency...
I can do ANYTHING with the strength of God & strong supporters.
I went from crying tears of disappointment a few days ago to crying tears of joy & inspiration.
I don't like telling people that I cried nor do I like to cry. But today was a day that I put that part of my pride aside for such a humbling moment of our generation.
My people have been through so much through the centuries.
And today marks a a historical, monumental, & breathtaking moment in my life & in American History.
I watched the Neighborhood Ball crying & ironically enough...doing my political science homework...
Thinking to myself...God if only my grandparents, aunt & uncle were here to witness it all. So I hold my head high today in their honor because I know its what they would be doing.
Sam Cook sang "Change is gonna come"
John Mayer sang "We keep on waiting, waiting, waiting on the world to change"
CHANGE is here.
I wish the best of luck and glorious blessings to the President, Vice President and their families.
I also thank him for putting hope back into our lives and inspiring us all to be a better version of ourselves.
I said a prayer asking God to lead & guide President Obama's mind, heart & soul through his entire term and that he and his family would be safe underneath the shield of the Lord's protection. That God would show him the way to lead this country to become a better nation. And that he would put faith into the hearts of those that doubt him.
Prayer changes. You just gotta believe...
I hope you all were as proud, amazed and overwhelmed as I was.
Thank you & goodnight.
Sunday, January 18, 2009
So I'm on imeem trynna get myself updated on the love of my life Drake lol...& I'm going through songs.....then I come across one that clearly isn't him...not only is in NOT him....but this nigga was HORRIBLE!
shook ones drake.wma - Drake
shook ones drake.wma - Drake
Thursday, January 15, 2009
So I just had to repost these cuz I couldn't leave a lonnnnnnnnnnnnnng ass comment on jenn's blog....
i think i was the drunkest @ the table lol...if u notice my dead facial expression & i was quiet as fuck but i would chime in every once in a while lmmfao
1st vid:
Jenn says nobody wanna speak? my drunk ass goes "hi!" lmao
J: "my battery's bout 2 die"
me: "how?"
J: "ain't that a bitch?!"
me: "it is, it is"
2nd vid:
Talkin bout Day's Blog lmmfao hahahaha
& LMAO @ me mockin sling blade @ the end "mmmm" "mashed potatas" hahaha
that shit was awesommmmmmmmeeeeeeeee I was like laughin in tears the whole time! lmao
i think i was the drunkest @ the table lol...if u notice my dead facial expression & i was quiet as fuck but i would chime in every once in a while lmmfao
1st vid:
Jenn says nobody wanna speak? my drunk ass goes "hi!" lmao
J: "my battery's bout 2 die"
me: "how?"
J: "ain't that a bitch?!"
me: "it is, it is"
2nd vid:
Talkin bout Day's Blog lmmfao hahahaha
& LMAO @ me mockin sling blade @ the end "mmmm" "mashed potatas" hahaha
that shit was awesommmmmmmmeeeeeeeee I was like laughin in tears the whole time! lmao
Monday, January 12, 2009
"Wait, What Are You Writing?"
So I have a habit of drawing in class...
Yea everyone doodles
But I have a problem....lol
Once in Anthro 101 (which I received a D in-not because of drawing...I just barely went lol) Jazz asked "wait what are you writing?" & I lifted my arm & I was drawing a star lmfao & she fell out laughin...so I decided to post some of my creations on here so you all can understand the level of ridiculousness lmao...

I was gonna post what my tatt is gonna look like for my 21st...but I don't want nobody to jack me lol
Yes I know....I'm out of control lol
OH WELL! lmao
Yea everyone doodles
But I have a problem....lol
Once in Anthro 101 (which I received a D in-not because of drawing...I just barely went lol) Jazz asked "wait what are you writing?" & I lifted my arm & I was drawing a star lmfao & she fell out laughin...so I decided to post some of my creations on here so you all can understand the level of ridiculousness lmao...

I was gonna post what my tatt is gonna look like for my 21st...but I don't want nobody to jack me lol
Yes I know....I'm out of control lol
OH WELL! lmao
Just Kidding!
hahahaha....so if u watch this be prepared to get an aim from me...just kidding don't expect one just kidding u can but it might not happen just kidding it will cuz i get bored easily just kidding i get bored hardly just kidding i get bored softly just kidding i use fabric softner just kidding i don't cuz i don't have time just kidding i have time i just always forget just kidding i don't forget i just never feel like it just kidding just kidding just kidding.
Sunday, January 11, 2009
"Todd why would you wanna be Fergie?! Why?!"
Ok, so I had to make a WHOLE separate blog to talk about our fiaso last nite lol
Saturday I cleaned the FUCK outta my car...Like I don't think its been this clean in IDK hoowwwww long lol...anyway besides that I just layed around basically ALL day then picked up Jazz for Carlton to pick us up from my house to go bowlin w/ the WHOLE crew for Jenn's going away! Me & Jazz mixed us a lil cran & vodka in a water bottle & drank it on the way there. Of course mine was stronger than Jazz's cuz my ass wanted to go hard since I didn't have to drive so basically half way thru the drink I was buzzed & by the time we got there I was drunk lmao. Mind you...its only like a 20 min drive lol..We were the fucking 1st ones there....and the trip about that is...we were late! smhT lol So me & Jazz are trynna keep to ourselves cuz we didn't want people to judge us lmao...
Carlton decides to go to ralphs so he could get some drank & in our walk to the ralphs next door a fuckin red car pulls up & low & behold..ITS DAY & KALII! lmao it was funny to see Day drivin...Anyway so they come into ralphs after they park & then Jenn hits me & tells us she's there... We saw this ugly asian lady who had all this plastic surgery lol then went back to the bowlin alley & almost ever1 was there...So I ended up not bowling cuz I was drunk plus I didn't wanna spend money to bowl & lose terribly lol...But it was soooooo fun just actin a fool & laughin @ every1 who sucked lol...Me, Todd & Jazz went & got some of Carlton's drink it was pretty good. We shared it. Ppl were bowling horribly & it was so funny. lol
So after they bowled, the SSH crew + me & Jazz went to Denny's (still drunk) & had a great laugh...I remember wanting to cry but I don't really remember why lmfao smh.....Jenn aparently lost some bet so Todd said she had to read what he wrote in his iPhone...So she reads it & its like sayin all this overly awesome stuff about him...then she gets to one part & it says "Todd is a mixture of Fergie & Jesus" & I was soooo confused about why he would want to be Fergie...there's so many other artists he could've substituted for her lmao. I had a delicious Grand Slammich! & we had a lame ass waitor & he HATED Jazz lmmfao he was giving sooo much tude! & thas y that ass didn't get no tip lmao. Whoever said he was a good mexican was mistaken lmfao. Jenn thought Day got arrested for havin braces lmmfao. I had a dope time....Anyway Jenn I'm gonna miss u sooooo much! I'm glad we got to TIU again before u left! & This summer is about to go harder than EVERRRRR cuz I'll be 21 & u graduate in MAY!!!! WHOOP WHOOOOOOOP. It's gonna be awesome! I'm geeked lol...
With all that said....I'm prolly gonna eat watch tv & try & do my hw using google cuz i didn't buy the book lmao.
Saturday I cleaned the FUCK outta my car...Like I don't think its been this clean in IDK hoowwwww long lol...anyway besides that I just layed around basically ALL day then picked up Jazz for Carlton to pick us up from my house to go bowlin w/ the WHOLE crew for Jenn's going away! Me & Jazz mixed us a lil cran & vodka in a water bottle & drank it on the way there. Of course mine was stronger than Jazz's cuz my ass wanted to go hard since I didn't have to drive so basically half way thru the drink I was buzzed & by the time we got there I was drunk lmao. Mind you...its only like a 20 min drive lol..We were the fucking 1st ones there....and the trip about that is...we were late! smhT lol So me & Jazz are trynna keep to ourselves cuz we didn't want people to judge us lmao...
Carlton decides to go to ralphs so he could get some drank & in our walk to the ralphs next door a fuckin red car pulls up & low & behold..ITS DAY & KALII! lmao it was funny to see Day drivin...Anyway so they come into ralphs after they park & then Jenn hits me & tells us she's there... We saw this ugly asian lady who had all this plastic surgery lol then went back to the bowlin alley & almost ever1 was there...So I ended up not bowling cuz I was drunk plus I didn't wanna spend money to bowl & lose terribly lol...But it was soooooo fun just actin a fool & laughin @ every1 who sucked lol...Me, Todd & Jazz went & got some of Carlton's drink it was pretty good. We shared it. Ppl were bowling horribly & it was so funny. lol
So after they bowled, the SSH crew + me & Jazz went to Denny's (still drunk) & had a great laugh...I remember wanting to cry but I don't really remember why lmfao smh.....Jenn aparently lost some bet so Todd said she had to read what he wrote in his iPhone...So she reads it & its like sayin all this overly awesome stuff about him...then she gets to one part & it says "Todd is a mixture of Fergie & Jesus" & I was soooo confused about why he would want to be Fergie...there's so many other artists he could've substituted for her lmao. I had a delicious Grand Slammich! & we had a lame ass waitor & he HATED Jazz lmmfao he was giving sooo much tude! & thas y that ass didn't get no tip lmao. Whoever said he was a good mexican was mistaken lmfao. Jenn thought Day got arrested for havin braces lmmfao. I had a dope time....Anyway Jenn I'm gonna miss u sooooo much! I'm glad we got to TIU again before u left! & This summer is about to go harder than EVERRRRR cuz I'll be 21 & u graduate in MAY!!!! WHOOP WHOOOOOOOP. It's gonna be awesome! I'm geeked lol...
With all that said....I'm prolly gonna eat watch tv & try & do my hw using google cuz i didn't buy the book lmao.
I Seentchu!!
So I've had a wonderful week, I think I can safely say.
Despite the fact that I had to wake up & be at school at 8 everyday & for the remainder of the month. I'd say this is going by pretty fast. I have a test on mon & test on fri...sheesh.
Anyway down to the fun...
Let' s seee....I guess I'd say it wasn't really fun til wednesday cuz I got to watch Pineapple Express w/ Day...I was SUPPOSED to watch it on tuesday when he got it but nooooooooooooooo he was impatient & had to start watchin it w/out me...smh. Anyway that shit is hilarious! "I'm just in here trynna GET A MUTHAFUCKIN SCHOLOARSHIP!!" lmmfao "how the monkey did you get in here?!"....... "wait no please don't make him gonna, don't wanna!" ..."monkey's outta the bottle now"..."1 time i seentchu pull somebody whole jawbone off! I SEENT IT!!!" lmmfao I love that movie!!!!!
Then friday I spent time w/ Tim partaking in some fun...SAW A FUCKIN SKUNK! that shit had me trippin & I tried to get him to get out the car & take a picture lmao, he wasn't havin it lol...Then we crossed over to Todd's side of Arlington & went to his crib where FSC was trynna get their studio equipment together...Todd's closet is fuckin tight & it made me feel like I was on Rap City lmao...Then we headed over to Anthony Coleman's house party...that shit was packed as fuck but it was super funnnnnnn. Like way more fun then I expected haha. It was like a reunion & we were excited every moment we got a lil more than 5 inches of space to actually move lol. Then left the party to partake in some more fun w/ Day & Kalii & saw that fuckin skunk AGAIN! That shit just lives over there...Can someone tell me WHAT THE MUTHA FUCK a skunk is doin livin in LA on adams & arlington lmao...that shit is "mind bottling" lol
Despite the fact that I had to wake up & be at school at 8 everyday & for the remainder of the month. I'd say this is going by pretty fast. I have a test on mon & test on fri...sheesh.
Anyway down to the fun...
Let' s seee....I guess I'd say it wasn't really fun til wednesday cuz I got to watch Pineapple Express w/ Day...I was SUPPOSED to watch it on tuesday when he got it but nooooooooooooooo he was impatient & had to start watchin it w/out me...smh. Anyway that shit is hilarious! "I'm just in here trynna GET A MUTHAFUCKIN SCHOLOARSHIP!!" lmmfao "how the monkey did you get in here?!"....... "wait no please don't make him gonna, don't wanna!" ..."monkey's outta the bottle now"..."1 time i seentchu pull somebody whole jawbone off! I SEENT IT!!!" lmmfao I love that movie!!!!!
Then friday I spent time w/ Tim partaking in some fun...SAW A FUCKIN SKUNK! that shit had me trippin & I tried to get him to get out the car & take a picture lmao, he wasn't havin it lol...Then we crossed over to Todd's side of Arlington & went to his crib where FSC was trynna get their studio equipment together...Todd's closet is fuckin tight & it made me feel like I was on Rap City lmao...Then we headed over to Anthony Coleman's house party...that shit was packed as fuck but it was super funnnnnnn. Like way more fun then I expected haha. It was like a reunion & we were excited every moment we got a lil more than 5 inches of space to actually move lol. Then left the party to partake in some more fun w/ Day & Kalii & saw that fuckin skunk AGAIN! That shit just lives over there...Can someone tell me WHAT THE MUTHA FUCK a skunk is doin livin in LA on adams & arlington lmao...that shit is "mind bottling" lol
Saturday, January 10, 2009
I'm having
A damn good week I'd say!
I'll post a blog about my whole week tomorrow.
I just wanted 2 say that lol
Right now I'm thirsty & I'm gonna go drink some water or some gingerale lol
I'll post a blog about my whole week tomorrow.
I just wanted 2 say that lol
Right now I'm thirsty & I'm gonna go drink some water or some gingerale lol
Thursday, January 8, 2009
Tuesday, January 6, 2009
Que sera, sera
So I went to school today...
My first time doin winter session
It's gonna be a lil tough
But I think I can do it...
As far as next semeester goes....
Idk about it...
I have SOOOOO many classes to take care of
well...to me its alot..its like 6....
I'm not even sure I'll be allowed to...
cuz like 3 of those classes are like 5 units each
Idk wtf to do mannnnn...
Just when I was feelin like I could get thru it
I found myself discouraged again...
But Day helped me feel a lil better tho
Gotta love that kid
Something's gotta give...
I have a couple breakdowns a year about school since my spring semester of my freshman yr of college...
Some things don't change...
New year...same breakdown.
se la vi.
My first time doin winter session
It's gonna be a lil tough
But I think I can do it...
As far as next semeester goes....
Idk about it...
I have SOOOOO many classes to take care of
well...to me its alot..its like 6....
I'm not even sure I'll be allowed to...
cuz like 3 of those classes are like 5 units each
Idk wtf to do mannnnn...
Just when I was feelin like I could get thru it
I found myself discouraged again...
But Day helped me feel a lil better tho
Gotta love that kid
Something's gotta give...
I have a couple breakdowns a year about school since my spring semester of my freshman yr of college...
Some things don't change...
New year...same breakdown.
se la vi.
Sunday, January 4, 2009
Sucker Motherfucker
I start school tomorrow
8 A-fucking-M
Til like 12:45 or some shit.
I'm not happy as you can tell.
But basically I have no choice. I got a lot of work to put in so I can get that AA in June.
I hate school.
& If my professors don't write shit down I'm bound to fail.
I'm a visionary learner.
Cuz I don't fuckin listen lol
So let's see how this goes.....
8 A-fucking-M
Til like 12:45 or some shit.
I'm not happy as you can tell.
But basically I have no choice. I got a lot of work to put in so I can get that AA in June.
I hate school.
& If my professors don't write shit down I'm bound to fail.
I'm a visionary learner.
Cuz I don't fuckin listen lol
So let's see how this goes.....
Saturday, January 3, 2009
Call it What You Wanna Call it, I'm a Fuckin Blogaholic
So I made Day a blog this mornin.
I was fuckin video chattin w/ this nigga til 10 muthafuckin a.m.!
I musta been outta my mind lol
Anyway, peep it I guess....He prolly won't even use that shit but whatev lol
Now about last nite
That shit was FUN!
Jahemese's bday kickback was dope
But there is way too much evidence.
Imma kill Jazz's monkey ass for this 1 pic
She trynna get me jumped or somethin lol
But ummmm oooweeee
Tequila ain't no joke!
& Jahmese's chicken for the tacos/burritos/fajitas were fucking BOMB!!!!!
My friends are the shit no lie & no doubt.
Plus Adri,Alex, Jazz & Jenn are a force to be reckoned with!!
I was fuckin video chattin w/ this nigga til 10 muthafuckin a.m.!
I musta been outta my mind lol
Anyway, peep it I guess....He prolly won't even use that shit but whatev lol
Now about last nite
That shit was FUN!
Jahemese's bday kickback was dope
But there is way too much evidence.
Imma kill Jazz's monkey ass for this 1 pic
She trynna get me jumped or somethin lol
But ummmm oooweeee
Tequila ain't no joke!
& Jahmese's chicken for the tacos/burritos/fajitas were fucking BOMB!!!!!
My friends are the shit no lie & no doubt.
Plus Adri,Alex, Jazz & Jenn are a force to be reckoned with!!
Friday, January 2, 2009
Oh Jazzy
This isn't another blog about my friend Jazz in case u were assuming so lol..
There's a singer named Jazzy & her shit is pretty dope.
I like her style of singin & whoever produces her shit
I choreographed to her song Make up for our Spring 08 show.
It was pretty cool I think haha
Anyway..her song is on my blog already but in case u wanted to hear the album...here it is.
Oh Jazzy EP. The Full Album In Order
There's a singer named Jazzy & her shit is pretty dope.
I like her style of singin & whoever produces her shit
I choreographed to her song Make up for our Spring 08 show.
It was pretty cool I think haha
Anyway..her song is on my blog already but in case u wanted to hear the album...here it is.
Oh Jazzy EP. The Full Album In Order
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