Sunday, May 10, 2009

Ahhhh, Don't End!

Haven't had an exquisite weekend like this in a cool minute.
From friday night =) til tonight its been

Friday=Cool day at work. Staff appreciation day barbeque. Heat. Babies jerkin & doin the reject. Cleaned the FUCK outta my room lookin for my USB for my camera. Dad had my fuckin cord the whole time. Laker game. Knocked Up. Quality Time. Home at 5 a.m...

Saturday=...Home at 5 a.m. (lol) Phone w/ tmobile. Park w/ Tim at 6 a.m. He worked out & I watched lol. Denny's. Back home at 9:30 a.m. Finally went to sleep at 9:45 a.m. Woke up & got dressed. Bought booze. Went to the beach. Searched for a pit. Made friends w/ some ppl with a pit. TIU. Bonfire with the crewwwwww minus a few. Jerkin. Saw Day dance for like the 1st time was crazy lol. Many pics. Many laughs. Jack N the Box. Ashley's house. Home. Sleeeeeeeeeeeeep.

Sunday=Sleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeep. Dinner w/ the fam. It was delicious. Laughs. Chill. Jerkin w/ Talia. TV

I wanna rewind to friday night & pause it there for a while lmao
Then fast forward to the bonfire & pause it a lil bit...

I can't wait til summer time man....

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